The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge
Thomas Berger
“It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves”Sir Edmund Hillary

“It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves”

Sir Edmund Hillary

Conscious Communication recognises the importance and power of the questions we ask and the impact they have.

Some questions we ask of ourselves: What is the purpose of my life? How can I best protect my children, and give them the freedom to learn for themselves? What work can I do that best serves me, and produces a benefit to society? What scares me, but I know I really need to do?

Other questions we ask of colleagues: How can we work together to produce the greatest result? What are we assuming that is causing the results we are getting? What are we doing habitually that has a negative impact on our relationships? What systems have we put in place that served us in the past, but no longer serve us?

Sometimes our questions turn us into leaders: If we wanted to improve our results ten-fold, what would need to happen, and what’s the one thing we need to begin with? What opportunities will occur in the next 5 years that we could prepare for now? What went well in the last project, and what lessons must we incorporate into our new project?

There will be many more, many of which will come out of discussions, that have resonance and power to motivate.

Conscious Communication elevates our thinking so that we can engage in the questions that are infrequently asked, that produce extraordinary responses.

To have a conversation to see where Conscious Communication can take you, take action now and get in touch