The founder of Conscious Communication, Nick Simmonds, is an experienced coach and facilitator.

With an entrepreneurial background, having started his first business at the age of 18, Nick learnt first hand the value of investing in personal improvement.

This became a passion for personal and professional development, and led to selling his business to enable him to focus fully on coaching others expand their potential. 

Building on his 15 years’ experience in this field, Nick brought together all his learning.

Distilling it to the essence of: What is the critical core skill that then facilitates all other improvements? This is the question that created Conscious Communication, and what drives Nick on a day to day basis.

Nick is available to speak at events and conferences. Nick was a guest on the Communication Czar podcast recently, you can listen here

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Sula Bruce is a dynamic facilitator and coach, passionate about growing human potential, effective communication, collaboration, relationships and confidence for productivity and increased happiness! 

Alongside Conscious Communication, Sula currently facilitates programmes for She Leads Change, coaches leaders at Publicis Media Groupe and was previously Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer at UN Women National Committee UK

Her background is in events and project management with a focus on bringing about gender equality and ending violence against women, humanitarian relief, development, sustainability and climate change.

She has worked with a wide range of teams in a variety of places and spaces from conference centres in the USA, Brazil and South Africa to the UN headquarters in Kenya and the snowy mountains of the Alps.  


Caitlin Walker MPhil is the developer of Systemic Modelling™ and author of From Contempt to Curiosity, which details many of the innovative and transformational projects she's led.

Caitlin practices in a variety of contexts. Clients include Delta7, Jeyes, Pharmacia, South Yorkshire Police Service, Bexley Care Trust, New Information Paradigms, Work Directions UK, Crime Concern, BT, Police National Search Centre, Celerent Consultancy, Carbon Partners, Ealing LEA, and Working Links. Liverpool John Moores University, Brent in2 Work.

She has trained a number of in-house trainers to carry on and develop the work without creating dependency on her expertise. She is available to facilitate on suitably 'interesting' (her word!) projects that fit into her busy schedule.